Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Happened? The Catholic Church

When the first Catholics began evangelization, I do not think they had meant for things to turn out this way. The catholic church of today has become something else. Am sure that if they could know what is happening here on earth now, they would turn in their graves (that is, if at all that has not yet happened). The situation is terrible, ranging from corruption to immorality right before our own eyes, in the Catholic Church. We have been hearing it over the news and seeing it on television. The church has been invaded by all sorts of vices. Do not say that these are things that had been happening before, because it does not justify anything. It is true that all these had been happening right from the beginning of the church, but only that now it is becoming worse. What happened to the chastity and purity that the clergy had to uphold? God alone knows. And it is eating us up and causing fellow christians to divert to other religions, because they are so unhappy with all that is happening. Most of the people end up in sects unknowingly because the church failed to give them the right message and as such, they fell for the first person who came along claiming to know the word of God and how to help them find inner peace as far as spirituality is concerned. It is also the reason why so many people are forming mushroom churches and distracting people everyday. My focus is on the Catholic Church in Cameroon.
The Catholic church in Cameroon has also been eaten up by this canker worm and has cost her(the catholic church) so many christians. When people see all these bad practices around them, does one really expect that people will sit and fold their arms and just le things go on? NO. People react by converting to other religions. I am taking the example of the Yaoundé diocese Cameroon is a country in which francopones(French speaking Cameroonians) marginalize Anglophones(English speaking Cameroonians) this practice is even in the church. Bribery and corruption to say the least, things which are done in open. Then we can only guess what they do in hiding.
In the Yaoundé diocese called the St Joseph's Anglophone parish, where most of the Catholic Anglophones in Yaoundé worship, that is, until lately). The parish lost most of its parishioners. Why? For the simple reason that it was discovered that the parish priest and his secretary had spent parish funds on things which their vows of chastity and humility did not call for. They could not account for money that was missing from the church accounts. All explanations failed to convince anyone, because they were unreasonable. That was the origin of the exodus from that parish. Added to that, corrupt and unorthodox practices were being carried out in the church; a parish priest who was trying to investigate the matter was rather transferred by the bishop, WHY? It means therefore that the bishop had a hand in the matter. Since Anglophones are a minority in Cameroon, it is difficult for their plight to be heard and understood. They are always trampled by francophones. Up till now, the unaccounted for money has not yet been accounted for. If it will be done in the nearest future, no one knows. But the one thing I know is that GOD will judge us all on the last day.

(I have not disclosed any names because I did not see any need for that, but I would if any need for it arises later on.)

1 comment:

  1. what parish are u talking about, i hope it is not the st Joseph's Anglophone parish Yaoundé. Be clear
